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Board of Directors

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NowellGroup Solutions - Jim-Nolan NowellGroup Solutions - Omon Edeki

Board of Directors

Jim Nolen

Has numerous years of experience in finance, accounting, corporate valuation, mergers and acquisitions, business and community leadership. He is also well recognized internationally, having taught corporate finance for several years at the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs school of Business. He also serves on the Board of Directors/Advisor of a number of privately held businesses.

Omon Edeki

Omon Ayodele Edeki, consultant J2EE software developer, helps teams adopt and integrate cloud software to improve business operational financial performance & risk management; He is married & they're blessed with a family; Omon attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied Computer Sciences. Omon is also a certified web application objects software development trainer. Omon attributes all grace to his faith in Christ Jesus his Savior.

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